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Glossary | Pluckeye

A person who uses Pluckeye, has an account on the users site and wants other users (their supporters) to be able to approve their expedite requests. E.g., if Peter is one of your approvees, you can approve or reject his expedite requests.
A person who can approve expedite requests for an approvee through the the users site, but who can not see the configurations of the approvee (for that, see inspector).
A group of users who have accounts on the users site in which all members can approve expedite requests for other members of the group except themselves. Expedite requests from a new member will only be approvable by the cohort after the new member’s delay has elapsed.

Main article: Cohorts

Commands are short pieces of text that you can type into a console window to configure Pluckeye. All Pluckeye commands start with pluck.

Main article: Commands

A collection of Pluckeye rules. A configuration may be local or remote. A local configuration exists only on a device. It is not synchronized with anything. A remote configuration is one that exists on the users site, and may be assigned to a device. The configuration may then be modified either through the users site interface or on any device you own that uses the configuration. (See Synchronizing configurations for how to do this.)
A console (AKA a console window, a command prompt, or a terminal) is a window in which you type commands.

Main article: How to open a console window

A number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days that must elapse before configuration changes that allow the user more access become effective.

Main article: The Delay

A physical device such as a computer or a smart phone. Exception: Pluck Lite “devices” are merely browsers.
The button a Pluckeye user pushes to request that a change to a Pluckeye configuration be expedited, which means letting their supporters peruse and approve the change through the users site.

Main article: Expedite

Features are special Pluckeye options that you can enable to make Pluckeye behave differently. All features are disabled by default, but the majority of users are expected to enable the system feature.

Main article: Features

Currently, the only type of group is a cohort (so groups and cohorts are synonymous).
An older term for a supporter.
Basically a synonym for website. When used in Pluckeye rules, hosts are given in their short forms, like rather than For more on their use in Pluckeye rules, see the Rules page.
To cause the rules from the imported configuration to be effectively added to the rules in the importing configuration. For example, if you import Peter’s configuration into your configuration, all of the rules in Peter’s configuration are effectively added to your configuration, although they aren’t displayed individually in your configuration.

Main article: Importing configurations

A synonym for import.
A person who uses Pluckeye, has an account on the users site, and wants other users (their inspector) to be able to approve their expedite requests and see their configuration history. See also approvee.
A person or group on the users site that can both see the configurations of and approve expedite requests for an approvee.
media type
A code that refers to a particular kind of media. Media types are used in Pluckeye rules to allow or block particular kinds of media, like images or videos.

Main article: Media types

A restricted device is one that is not permitted to change its own configuration. Its configuration may only be changed on the users site by the owner of the device.

Main article: Restricted devices

A rule is a short piece of text tells Pluckeye to allow or block a particular website, page, program, etc.

Main article: Rules

A synonym for expedite request.
An approver or an inspector.
The address of a single webpage. They look something like this: . For their use in Pluckeye rules, see the Rules page.