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Notation | Pluckeye

Type it in a console window

On this site, you may see code blocks such as the following.

pluck delay 0

or this

$ pluck delay 0

The dollar-sign, if present, is a unix-based convention to indicate a console window prompt. Everything following the $ , but not the $ itself, is to be typed in a console window (a.k.a., a terminal). In this case, a console window should be opened, and the user should type

pluck delay 0

On Windows, a console window prompt looks like this:


Again, the leading characters up to > should not be typed. They are the console prompt and they are shown as a convention. As a final example, consider the following code block that shows how to export Pluckeye settings into a pluckeye-settings.txt file on the user’s desktop.

C:\> pluck export >%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\pluckeye-settings.txt

The actual characters typed by the user to execute the above commands are these, with a “return” or “enter” hit at the end of each line:

pluck export >%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\pluckeye-settings.txt

What’s a console window?

See how to open a console window.

Describe freehand text field in Pluck 1.0+

And maybe include screenshot.