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Cohorts | Pluckeye

Table of Contents


A cohort is a group of users who can approve expedite requests for one another. If you want to use a long delay, you probably want to be involved in at least one Pluckeye cohort so that you can have changes to your configuration expedited by others from time to time.

Information for making, finding, and approving expedite requests is found on the Expedite page.


Because cohorts are so valuable, users who register on the users site are automatically assigned to a cohort. Users who don’t want to be part of one may leave.

You may join any of the public groups that are accepting new members.

To be involved in a cohort, you must first agree to honor the ethos of the cohort. That generally means respecting the group and those in it and acknowledging that it does not exist solely to serve you. Once that’s done, you’re in.

You may also create a private cohort for you and your friends.


You may leave any cohort you are a part of at any time.